A little back story before you read this. I was walking on campus the other day and noticed a sign on a tree that said "Notice: this tree is scheduled for removal on December 21st." At first glance I didn't think much of it, but then a thought occurred to me. How does this tree feel about it's near future death? The tree didn't look like much of a hazard to me. I know trees can't express their feelings, but what if. This sign and this tree wandered my thoughts for a few days and then I envisioned a story. I could see it clearly in my head and I knew I had to write it out. This is it.
She held me in the palm of her hand like I was her ticket to the best ride in the amusement park. Her small fingers kept tracing over the sides of my small frame. I could hear her excited breath as she carried me to an unknown place. I was a seed then. And this little girl was about to give me life.
"Luna, you must do as exactly as I say. That way this walnut tree can grow big and healthy. Just like you," said a deeper voice next to her.
"I can't wait, Daddy. This could be the best birthday present any four year old could ever get," the vibrations from her voice traveled down through her fingers to the palm of her hand where I lay. I could feel every word she spoke.
"Can I name him Walfred? Will I be able to climb him when he is grown up?" Luna said.
"Yes and yes."
After that was spoken, Luna tossed me from her palm and into a place of coldness. It was moist and I could feel depths of darkness. I then felt weight being pushed upon my small frame of a seed. Heavier and heavier. As constrained as I felt, I also felt secure.
I felt safe.
Time proceeded to go on as time does. Sometimes I'd feel the vibrations of things stepping above me, or feel water tickle down my sides.
Then it happened. I broke through the surface. I wasn't a seed anymore. I started to reach for the sunlight every day at any moment I could. To stretch upwards was liberating. I didn't feel constrained by the ground below me, but empowered by the sky above me.
Luna came to me almost every day. She would talk to me about all sorts of things and I always listened. Some days she would be silent and tap on my bark. It went a little something like tippity-tap-tap-tippity-tap. It was those days she would tap on my bark, I knew she was over whelmed with thoughts. But who I am to say, I am just a tree. A tree that was always there when she needed company. She would look at my small stature and say we'd grow up together. Big and tall.
As years passed, my branches become fuller with the gift of the sun's light and then bare with the chill of the wind. Luna put a bird house on my strongest branch. I enjoyed having the extra attention of the birds. Their melodies and songs always put me at ease.
"You know, Walfred. You could use some lights. It's Christmas and I know Mom and Pop would adore you if you were dressed up in lights."
Luna even put a string all around me once. From top to bottom. The string would be warm at night and would always draw people closer to me. It was nice to have the extra warmth during those frigid days.
Luna's visits to me started to dwindle. I became a little lonely at times but the birdhouse was my solace.
After a long while of not feeling Luna's presence she fell to the base of my trunk. I could feel droplets of water landing on the bark of my roots. Her breath was frantic and I could feel her heart racing through the palm of her hand as she grasped my side. She sat there curled up beside me and I knew something wasn't right.
"How could this happen? I never even got to say goodbye."
Her body trembled terribly. The droplets of water kept dripping down, down, down.
"I can still remember the day we planted this tree together."
She didn't leave my side for a long while. Tapping at my bark incessantly. Tippity-tap-tap-tippity...tap.
That was the last time I was in Luna's presence. After that day, the air around me became empty. The bird house on my branch had been taken off. The rhythm and beat I was so use to feeling no longer existed. I accepted that my life wouldn't be the same as it was when Luna was around.
The agonizing silence of many suns and many winds passed me by. I grew, big and tall. And time proceeded to go on as time does.
That silence was broken by a vibration so strong, my roots shifted below me. I could feel something, something large. It moved the soil around me and shook the leaves from my branches as it came closer.
"This one here is a Walnut. I say we cut this one down and sell it to the furniture factory. I think there's good money to be made from this one."
That's when I felt it. A sharp dizzying pain enter the middle of my trunk. It rattled me to my very core. I couldn't even fathom what was happening before it was too late. I couldn't feel my roots below me. They were gone. I blacked out.
I awoke in a stale room. My body felt disfigured. I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way. I could feel people around, voices drifting above. My strength was fading, my soul was slowly being drained by my new shape.
"This coffee table right here is made of the highest quality walnut. It has a dark finish to bring out the richness in its color. What do you think?"
I could feel a warmth of fingers stiffly touch the top of my being.
"I think this one is perfect. It's the perfect size as well. She can't get up very well and her eyesight is failing so it will nice for her to have something to hold onto when she stands up. Although, she won't be able to see the table and it's beautiful color, I have a feeling this one will do perfectly."
I felt smaller, weaker. My branches had left me. My leaves, non-existent. I guess I was nearing my end. Someone lifted me from the ground and put me in a bumpy environment. Up and down I bounced as I felt confined to four walls of what seemed to be cold like metal. The shakiness subsided finally, for it was giving me quite the headache, and I could feel the touch of light.
"You guys can just carry it in there and set it in the middle of the living room. Be careful of her medications on the end table as you walk in, please."
Once again, that lifted sensation was all around me. I was floating and then abruptly set down. I was exhausted by this time. The sets of foot steps around me were obnoxious as each vibration traveled through the ground right through me. I had a feeling I'd be fading away completely soon.
The footsteps stopped and only one remained. They were shuffled and slow in pace. Each foot dragged to its next step. Until they stopped next to me. A trembling hand rested upon me. It wasn't as warm as I thought it would be, but it was still comforting. That comfort turned into a calm slumber. But before I drifted into the darkness and let my new shape overtake me, I felt it.
I felt it like it was just yesterday.
Who knew, I'd end up right where I belonged.